What To Look For in School Board Candidates

– Florida school board races are nonpartisan; all registered voters can vote regardless of party affiliation.

– Volusia County candidates must live in their district and understand local issues.

– School Board election is on primary day, Aug. 20; no need to vote in primary elections to vote for School Board.

– To win, a candidate needs 50% plus 1 of the votes; if not, a runoff will be on Nov. 5.

– School boards impact thousands of students and families; important to choose carefully.

– School board candidates should know their district, be active in the community, and have high ethical standards.

– Candidates should have organizational and communication skills and be able to compromise.

– Support for public education and understanding of current issues are crucial.

– Experience in education helps with decision-making related to leadership and curriculum.

– School board members must understand the budget process and its impacts.

– Important qualities include supporting all students and families, accountability, and openness to input.

– Decisions should be based on facts, not personal or religious beliefs, or party affiliation.

– Candidates should participate in nonpartisan forums and represent diverse viewpoints.

– Leadership skills and prioritizing students, teachers, families, and the community are essential.

**These bullet points derived from article titled “What to look for in school board candidates” written by Cathy Swerdlow. Published in the Orlando Sentinel on July 9, 2024